I’ll be trekking down to Richmond, the capitol of the commonwealth I now call home, to speak with a graduate-level online journalism class on Friday evening. My esteemed Publish2 colleague (and all-around awesome dude) Ryan Sholin was not able to attend and I’ve been invited to discuss what we do, how journalism is changing and whatever other topics can fit into the session.
Maybe I’ll even throw in some of the ol’ tips.
As would be expected, I posed a question on Twitter about what I should discuss.
- ckanal: @greglinch Awesome, congrats! Twitter, personal branding + networking.
- AAdamGlenn: @greglinch Def’nly social media (see: http://bit.ly/socmediaskills). But also participatory jurno, curation, entrepreneurship
- lavrusik: @greglinch The importance of understanding the fundamental shift to social news and the need for them to innovate. Sounds flowery, I know.
- MikeHigdon: @greglinch why they should start their own start ups…
(Tweets curated and published with ease courtesy of this and this.)
Thanks to Craig Kanalley, Adam Glenn, Vadim Lavrusik, Mike Higdon and Yuri Victor for their advice. These are all great topics and I hope to touch on as many as possible.
As I read the responses, I thought more about the best approach for the visit. Here’s what I’m thinking now:
- Introduce myself
- Ask students to introduce themselves
- Discuss their interests and goals
- Ask what they want to discuss
- Maybe show some things on the screen
- Challenge assumptions, if warranted
The last point bounced around my head as I asked the question and read the answers, most likely because it was the topic of my Skype video chat with Dave Stanton‘s senior-level journalism class earlier this month.
Then I saw this and laughed:
- danielbachhuber: Questioning the assumptions will always produce mind-blowing results.
Daniel and are often on the same wavelength, but this was just a funny coincidence. He sent that tweet via text message and wasn’t responding to me (I doubt he even saw the question).
I will qualify and say I don’t think you will always get mind-blowing results, but we could all use a little more challenging of assumptions now and then. Particularly when it comes to journalism education and how we deal with related conversations.
So let me know what you think of this approach and what would you discuss if you were speaking to a graduate-level online journalism class.