I’ve been selected for the Poynter Fellowship for College Journalists 2009

I learned Tuesday by e-mail that I’ve been selected as one of 40 students to participate in the Poynter Fellowship for College Journalists this summer. It takes place May 17-29 at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla.

poynter_mapI doubt that it needs to be said, but I’m extremely excited. As I wrote in my essay, I’m looking forward to not only learning from some of the most respected journalists in the field, but also to learn from my peers.

Oh, and did I mention, the tuition is free!

After a little research, I’ve found 10 others who have been accepted, nine of whom I found through Twitter search.

One of my tweeps is listed as alternate. We’ve never met, but I hope she has the opportunity to attend because I know she’s a very talented college journalist.

As for how this effects my summer plans, it doesn’t change anything. I will go to my internship at the Dallas Morning News, which I am also eagerly anticipating, soon after the fellowship.

In short, I proclaim this the summer of Greg!

PS. I can’t believe I’m graduating in a little more than two months. Where have the college years gone?

SND New York City meetup livestream, Saturday from 1-5 p.m. EST

I’ll be livestreaming the Society for News Design New York City meetup from 1-5 p.m. today at the New York Times.

Follow the Twitter hashtag #sndnyc. For those reading in RSS, the video and chat embeds are below.

Live TV : Ustream

The schedule:

1:00 — Opening remarks
1:15 — Nigel Holmes on visual communication
2:15 — Joe Hutchinson on being a better art director
3:15 — Sarah Slobin on the shift from print to online
4:15 — Matthew Ericson and Shan Carter on interactive graphics

BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami live blog, video and Twitter embeds galore!

BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami is today from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Anokha in Coconut Grove (or the Mayfair Hotel). I just feel like shouting: Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

For past coverage of other NewsInnovation events:

Live blog

<a href=”http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php?option=com_mobile&amp;task=viewaltcast&amp;altcast_code=850c1f05ce” mce_href=”http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php?option=com_mobile&amp;task=viewaltcast&amp;altcast_code=850c1f05ce”>BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami</a>

Live video (hopefully)

Embed has since been removed. Check back for archived video to be posted.


BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami announcement: Sunday, Feb. 22 at Anokha

Yes, it’s true! BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami is happening this Sunday at Anokha in the Grove. I’ve been promoting on Twitter, via e-mail, in person, etc. but have yet to post on my blog. D’oh!

Graphic by Alex de Carvalho
Graphic by Alex de Carvalho

I blame being in Idaho for 10 days doing this and then coming back to craziness. But more on that later.

Here are the details from the wiki page I created. Please share this information with any of your news/media/journalism/blogger friends (pros and students):

BarCamp NewsInnnovation Miami is a local version of BarCamp NewsInnovation.

It’s being paired with BarCamp Miami 2009 + WordCamp for extra awesomeness and to allow for a crowd with a more diverse range of perspectives and experiences.

When: Sunday, Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: Anokha Indian restaurant, 3324 Virginia Street, Miami, Fla. (Coconut Grove)

Register (free!)


Live stream (if connectivity allows)


  • greglinch [at] gmail [dot] com

Social media

Related links

Beyond Bootcamp: Livestream of National Geographic’s Rob Covey

Today is the final day of Beyond Bootcamp and, therefore, we have our last lunch speaker:

  • Rob Covey, senior vice president for content/design at National Geographic digital media

The livestream will run from 12:20-2 p.m. Watch at our new location this time:

Follow all Beyond Bootcamp tweets:

Please share the livestream and other links on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, IM, etc.