I’m in DC today for the New Media Women Entrepreneur summit. Here’s a live blog that’s also pulling in tweets with the hashtag #nmwe.
Tag: Conference
Follow tweets from Personal Democracy Forum 2009
I’m at it again: Aggregating tweets from a conference I’m not attending or able to follow during work hours (this time Personal Democracy Forum 2009).
This one is pulling in all the tweets that include pdf09.
Follow tweets related to Knight News Challenge and Future of News and Civic Media conference 2009
I’m not actually there — I’m at my Web internship at The Dallas Morning News. So, what did I do?
I set up this CoverItLive blog to automatically aggregate all the tweets tagged #knc09 #fncm09 #kncmit (translation: Knight News Challenge, Future of News and Civic Media and Knight News Challenge Massachusetts Institute of Technology) so I (and others who can’t follow all the awesomeness minute-by-minute) can read them later.
Revenue Two Point Zero and School of Communication project in DC
I’ll be in Washington, D.C. for the next few days, courtesy the University of Miami School of Communication, so the blog will probably be quiet. I’ll be working on a couple video profiles of National Park Service employees with a fellow student (I did a similar project — but as an audio slideshow — last year at Everglades National Park).
Also, as luck would have it, I’ll be in town for this shindig on Saturday:
I’m not a big fan of the redesigning Craigslist idea, but it should be a great event. As always, I’ll be wearing my CoPress hat and looking out for any takeaways that could be useful for college media. Any thoughts in that realm will appear on the CoPress blog.
I may liveblog and/or livestream parts of the event. If I do, I’ll be sure give as much notice as I can.
PS. Yay for spring break! But it’s about a week too short.
BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami announcement: Sunday, Feb. 22 at Anokha
Yes, it’s true! BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami is happening this Sunday at Anokha in the Grove. I’ve been promoting on Twitter, via e-mail, in person, etc. but have yet to post on my blog. D’oh!

I blame being in Idaho for 10 days doing this and then coming back to craziness. But more on that later.
Here are the details from the wiki page I created. Please share this information with any of your news/media/journalism/blogger friends (pros and students):
BarCamp NewsInnnovation Miami is a local version of BarCamp NewsInnovation.
It’s being paired with BarCamp Miami 2009 + WordCamp for extra awesomeness and to allow for a crowd with a more diverse range of perspectives and experiences.
When: Sunday, Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Anokha Indian restaurant, 3324 Virginia Street, Miami, Fla. (Coconut Grove)
Register (free!)
- #BCNIM (BarCamp NewsInnovation Miami)
- #NewsInnovation (general NewsInnovation)
Live stream (if connectivity allows)
- greglinch [at] gmail [dot] com
Social media
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