New role at Washington Post: world/national security producer

Quick update from the The Washington Post newsroom: starting July 1, I will join the foreign desk as the world and national security producer. Anup Kaphle (who has been the world/national security web editor on the Universal News Desk) and I will be moving from the UND to work directly with the world and national security teams.

I’ve had a great experience working with the health, science, environment and wellness reporters and editors since I joined the Post in December and am very excited at this new opportunity be a full member of the foreign editing team — truly integrated with the section.

Stay tuned!

Highlights from #wjchat on radical change in newsrooms

If you missed tonight’s #wjchat on radical change in the newsroom, below I’ve captured some highlights from the discussion. Put another way, I’ve gathered about 75 (out of more than 1,500 tweets) that I found the most interesting:

What was the highlight of the chat for you?

Responses on Twitter to “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Last week I asked: What did you say when someone asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” when you were in elementary school. Below are some answers from Twitter. Enjoy! (Also, feel free to continue the #wdywtbwygu hashtag.)

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

UPDATE: Read some of the responses.

Quick thoughts from this evening:

@P2chairman When I was in elementary school and people asked, “What do want to be when you grow up?” I’d say, “scientist and inventor.”less than a minute ago via Power Twitter

@P2chairman I’ve realized more and more over the past year or so how much those lie at the heart of my interest in journalism and technologyless than a minute ago via Power Twitter

When you were in elementary school, what did you say when asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you see any connections between that and your current job or interests?

Thinking about this makes me feel thankful for all the great opportunities I’ve had and continue to have in journalism and technology.

UPDATE: Read some of the responses.