Next week — Aug. 25-27, to be exact — I’ll return to my native Florida for a great opportunity at the Poynter Institute: a seminar that aims to teach journalists about programming and programmers about journalism. From the description:
Journalists will learn the programmer’s mindset, and programmers will learn how to see the world through a journalist’s eyes. Programmers will teach journalists how to turn data into usable information — and share great examples of efforts that worked.
The seminar also covers computational thinking, something I’ve written about previously. Needless to say, I can’t wait to discuss with other 15 or so attendees and instructors.
From the seminar page (with some links changed), the instructors include:
- Regina McCombs, Visual Journalism Faculty, Poynter
- Aron Pilhofer, Editor, Interactive News Technologies at The New York Times
- Matt Waite, Senior News Technologist, St. Petersburg Times/tampabay.com and PolitiFact
- Jeremy Bowers, News Technologist, St. Petersburg Times/tampabay.com
- David Stanton, Technology Fellow, Poynter
- Steve Myers, Managing Editor, Poynter Online
I know/have met in-person all of them — except Jeremy, who I look forward to meeting for the first time — and know that this will be an awesome seminar. Also, thanks to a handy Twitter search for “Poynter seminar,” I’ve seen a few tweets from others will who be attending. I look forward to meeting all of them soon.
Finally, a big thanks to Poynter for awarding me a partial scholarship for the seminar, made possible by the Ford Foundation. And thanks to Regina, Steve and Dave for answering my questions about the seminar.
UPDATE: The hashtag will be #journprog.