I have been asked to do a tutorial post for my online journalism classmates on how to use FeedBurner, so here it goes!
Step 1 – Register
Go to FeedBurner.com and click “Register” in the upper righthand corner to create an account:

Step 2 – Add
Enter your blog address or an existing feed. With Blogger (the platform we’re using for class), find your feed by clicking this link at the bottom your blog posts that says: “Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).”

Step 3 – Burn
Enter a title for your feed and complete the feed address, such as with your name or blog title:

Step 4 – Integrate
Integrate your new feed with your blog. For those in class, look at the Blogger section and select “Redirect your Blogger feed to your FeedBurner feed.”

Step 5 – Publicize
To publish a chicklet, click the “Publicize” tab in your FeedBurner account. Select the one you would like to add. For class, I would recommend including the default RSS feed icon and then adding Google and Yahoo later.

Once you select the chicklet you want, scroll to the bottom where it says “Use as a widget in” and click the drop-down menu to select the type of blog you use. For class, select Blogger and confirm it as a new page element. Another option is to copy the provided code into your blog.

Other information
- “Analyze” is the most useful tab in your FeedBurner account. Explore the contents to see essentially any bit of information you could possibly imagine regarding your feed, such as how many subscribers you have and how many hits your feed has.
- FeedBurner Help Center’s explanation. (added Jan. 31, 11:39 a.m.)
Questions: Please feel free to ask questions by commenting.
Weigh in: What did you think of this tutorial? It’s my first, so be brutal.