After more than 10 months of calling Blogger home, The Linchpen has moved to WordPress.

Oh, the freedom!
I’ve become much more familiar with WordPress since working on The Miami Hurricane‘s beta site with Webmaster Brian Schlansky. My new site is hosted by WebFaction, which I selected after hearing rave reviews on Twitter (thanks to everyone who replied to my question!).
The lovely theme you see here (unless you’re using RSS; in that case, see the photo) is called WP Premium and was designed by R.Bhavesh.
In addition to the standard features, I’ve installed and activated the following plugins (though not all may be in use at the time of posting):
- AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
- Akismet
- cforms
- GeoPress
- Google Analyticator
- Google XML Sitemaps
- Popularity Contest
- Redirection
- Search Meter
- Twitter for WordPress
- Stats
- WordPress Database Backup
- WPtouch iPhone Theme
Thanks to Daniel Bachhuber for the idea to list all these on dedicated page so people can easily see what I’m using.
Well, don’t just sit there, explore the new site! If you have any suggestions or find any problems, please contact me.
Looks great. I recently relaunched my site on WordPress, too, and wrote about some useful plugins.
Looking sweet, Greg. One other point of feedback: link to your contact page in posts, etc. It will save you trouble when you change your email address, and you can track the number of people interested in contacting you with an analytics tool. Keep it up!