Highlights from “Talking Tech: Learning the Language(s) of Web Developers — and Then Some Code” session I led at SPJ’s #jourcamp today.
Category: Conference
#bcni13 measuring the impact of journalism recap
Below is a round-up of materials from BarCamp News Innovation Philly 2013 discussions about measuring the impact of journalism. Thanks to Gino Canella and the Center for Public Interest Journalism for the videos! Also, check out Jim MacMillan’s roundup of posts from #bcni13.
Erika Owen’s post:
So you want to measure impact: BarCamp 2013
CPIJ summary video of the session Brian Abelson, Erika and I led:
Temple University journalism chair Andrew Mendelson’s “Beyond metrics: Thinking more broadly about journalism’s impact” talk:
I live-tweeted the session and Storified some key points he shared:
#bcni13: Andrew Mendelson’s "Beyond metrics" talk
Temple University journalism chair Andrew Mendelson presented a talk called "Beyond Metrics: Thinking more broadly about the measurement of journalism impact (or building journalism’s theory of change)."
Storified by Greg Linch· Mon, May 06 2013 21:16:35
Join us at #bcni13 to work on measuring journalism by impact
It’s April so it must be time for BCNI! Brian Abelson, Erika Owens and I will lead a session this Saturday at BarCamp News Innovation Philly 2013 (see schedule) about implementing ways measure impact in journalism.
Last year I led a more general discussion about impact, which Andrew Spittle expertly documented in his notes. Springboarding from that, Wendy Warren and I did a follow-up #BCNI12 session to dive into specific, qualitative possible news metrics for success.
The thinking and conversations about impact have grown and evolved in the past year, such as with a conversation about impact at #ONA12. With this progress, we’re going to take a much more hands-on approach at the unconference this time, as Erika wrote in her preview post:
It’s pretty easy for the conversations around impact to go in circles, but the aim is for this discussion to be more focused. Greg suggested an “impact-a-thon” format where folks share case studies, discuss them in small groups, and then report back on the findings.
Do you have any case studies of stories you’ve worked on? Analytics and/or anecdotes to share of impact of the stories? Think back to those awards application cover letters, what did you describe for why your story should be honored?
The session, rather than theory, will focus on implementation. How have organizations monitored impact, and what are some specific examples of things they can do for future stories? We look forward to an insightful, action-oriented discussion, and want your help in designing the session. Please email the Google Group, share your thoughts, and join us Saturday morning.
Brian will share his experiences thus far exploring impact measurement as an Open News fellow at The New York Times:
In preparation for the discussion, I’m hoping to get your thoughts and concerns about impact measurement (read up here) – what have we done right so far and what’s missing from the conversation?
In that line Brian links to an extremely thorough list of posts, articles, studies, etc. relating to journalistic and media impact. Be sure to read up beforehand, especially ProPublica’s white paper, “Non-profit journalism – Issues around impact.”
The conversations and the company should be fantastic, so please join us on Saturday — and register for BCNI before tickets are gone!
#NICAR13 conference highlights
This year’s #NICAR13 conference left my head spinning with awesome ideas and inspiration. Here are some of the best nuggets I collected. Enjoy!
What was your favorite part?
Continue reading #NICAR13 conference highlights
#newsfoo 2012 highlights captured from afar
NewsFoo just wrapped up its third event. I haven’t been since 2010, but I followed along on Twitter again this year. Below are some good bits from the unconference (in chronological order).
Continue reading #newsfoo 2012 highlights captured from afar